Ten Driving Techniques That Will Turn You Into A Master
Original article by Máté Petrány published on Jalopnik.com July 2019
Driving is relatively easy, but if you put a little extra effort into it, your daily routes can become adventures. Here are ten techniques that will turn you into a pro.
Most people don't even get the basics right. They don't use their indicators, don't know how to shift a stick or even when to brake. Learn the following ten techniques and you'll leave their beigemobiles in the dust.
Going fast is great, but trust me, hypermiling can give you great satisfaction. POD also think it's the business: It takes a lot of relatively simple techniques, but uses them with a cap ton of sustained focus, and we, as human beings, are just not very good at sustained focus. Combine that with the need for high levels of pro-active driving and reading traffic flow effectively to get the best results, and you’ve got a technique that is relatively hard to master.
Automatic transmissions are designed to be as smooth and efficient as possible in normal mode. Can you do the same after putting it into manual?
Be that a classic Land Rover with all its gear levers, or a racing Audi Quattro as themanwithsauce points out:
Driving an AWD car effectively. I'm definitely biased here but based on the responses I see whenever an audi is talked about, all I get is that everyone assumes you just understeer and can't turn. Even then, I've seen plenty of people suck at getting an Evo around an autocross course...I wish I could explain that. But really the older AWD cars were handfuls. Especially in racing trim.
When I told you that the 2014 Volkswagen Golf GTD is a very good fast hatchback, I forgot the mention an important issue with it: the lack of a proper handbrake. There's a button instead, and you can't turn quickly by pressing a button, therefore, the GTD is pretty much useless as a hot hatch. Sorry about that. DasStig agrees:
Hand brake turns are hard. Especially if you are doing it for the first time on a given day / surface because you don't know how much grip is there. Of course, if you have a lot of experience, then you can do minor corrections to overcome any grip issue. What is really hard is to use hand brake turn to park the car (unless you're Elwood).
ejp hates automatic transmissions tells you why it's difficult...
On my level, trail braking in certain cars has been pretty difficult for me to get right. Mid corner course-corrections using throttle steer has always pretty easy, but mastering oversteer on turn-in has proven to be difficult and awkward. Some cars can do this naturally (old 911's seem to be amenable to this), and other cars just want to squirm and swap ends.
If trail braking and rotation upon entry wasn't difficult enough - taking the balance concepts of trail braking to the next level is (at the moment) beyond me. A consistent proper execution of the Scandinavian Flick (aka pendulum turns) may be the hardest technique to master in driving. Doing this right involves mastery of balance and control over every aspect of driving like no other task. Someday, I will have the time and money to take a rally driving course, and have a chance to learn this...but it may just be over my head.
...and why it's good for you:
With regard to trail braking, there are two primary advantages, and a driver will actually use the technique to achieve the desired line in a corner (outside-inside-outside), using all of the track. The primary reasons for trail-braking are:
1. Allowing a driver to begin braking just a little bit later, shedding some of the residual speed on corner entry rather than entirely in a straight line. On a long straight before a sharp corner (for example), this gives a driver more time to use the straight at 100 MPH before having to brake down to 40 MPH. In a racing situation, this may be one way that a driver can protect their position from a pass...or more importantly, executes a pass against another driver.
2. Trail braking will inherently unbalance the rear of the car, increasing the yaw-angle on turn in (e.g. getting the car to rotate). This allows the driver to battle the natural understeer tenancies of their car. For example, many people are surprised to learn that old 911's tend to understeer pretty severely on turn-in, just like a FWD car can. The oversteer fun (or terror, for some) in 911's really tends to happen during an abrupt mid-corner lift-off of the throttle where weight is transferred from the rear, and all of the weight behind the rear wheels wants to keep going straight while the front of the car turns. Vic Elford (former Porsche factory rally and endurance racer) once wrote about a trail-braking technique where you imagine that a string is tied between your big toe and the steering wheel. As the wheel turns, the imaginary string pulls up on the big toe, which progressively releases pressure from the brake pedal until the car is pointed at the desired apex. At this point, you transition to throttle.
There are other situations and reasons where trail-braking is advantageous, and still others where it will slow you down (or worse, cause a loss of control). Depending on the car, some corners can be trail-braked every time. Others will call for a more traditional line. The Skip Barber racing manual, Going Faster! Mastering the Art of Race Driving details when to use this technique and why. A great book to read to really understand race driving. *Disclaimer* - the book is sort of an academic exercise; there is no substitute for seat time.
As one of the very few officially licensed Shelby Mod Shops in Canada we can order your direct from the factory Shelby Cobra Roadster. We get it shipped to us here at Dale Adams Automotive and can fully customize and build out your dream vehicle.
What's that? You actually already own one of these beauties? We can help you too by ensuring all your custom work is officially registered with Shelby and performed by our Shelby-Trained mechanics.
In 1962 Carroll Shelby created the most sought-after American muscle car in history, the Shelby Cobra. The 289 model of this snake went on to become the first American-made FIA world Champion in 1965 and later evolved into the ultimate expression of power and performance with the 427 S/C model in 1966. The 427 Street version (CSX6000-Series). the 289 FIA (CSX7000-Series) and the original "slabside" design from the 1962 (CSX8000-Series), are still being produced today using improved materials and components.
Here are the model specifics to help you make your choice and price estimates*:
Chassis and Suspension
Interior / Exterior
Pricing Options* (Engine and Transmission not included)
Chassis and Suspension
Interior / Exterior
Pricing Options* (Engine and Transmission not included)
Chassis and Suspension
Interior / Exterior
Pricing Options* (Engine and Transmission not included)
Use our contact form on our website or give us a call at (403) 777-4777 to discuss your Shelby dreams.
*Prices are estimates only and subject to change. Contact us for accurate pricing details.
We want to thank Shadetree Garage for this original article. They had such great tips we wanted to let our customers know the value of regular maintenance.
With the cost of many items rising in Canada, it’s important for most to find ways of saving money. Often times, car owners will forgo preventive car maintenance in an effort to keep monthly expenditures at a minimum. But is this prudent? When it comes to preventive car maintenance, do you think, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” This age-old statement means, “If something is working adequately well, leave it alone.” But, is this a statement we can apply to our vehicles, especially when safety and reliability are at stake? What would you say if I told you preventive car maintenance not only keeps you safer, but it can save you money in the long-run?
To understand its importance, it’s helpful to know what preventive auto maintenance is and what it is meant to accomplish. Preventive car maintenance is a step that is taken to keep an automobile operating efficiently and is performed before a vehicle breaks down or is in dire need of repair. Preventive car maintenance includes services like periodic fluid and filter changes, tune-ups, and regular inspections to check on the level of wear and tear in certain components, like brakes and tires.
Auto repairs resulting from breakdowns are usually unexpected and unplanned expenses. They’re also typically fairly costly. It’s not always easy to budget for these repairs, but with preventive maintenance, you can plan your expenses and extend the life of your vehicle. Let me illustrate this for you –
Save on Tires – It’s wise to rotate your tires every 3,000 to 6,000 miles. This can easily be done when you bring your vehicle in for routine oil and filter changes and costs just a few dollars extra to have done. Regular tire rotations allow your tires to evenly distribute tire wear – helping you get the most miles out of your tires while maximizing traction on all four wheels. Now, if you skip tire rotations, your tires are going to wear unevenly. That means you’ll have to replace them sooner and they won’t give you the traction you need for safe driving. You’ll also void any warranty you may have on the tires. The cost for a pair of new tires (yes, you must replace them in a pair) is at least $300.
Save on Brakes – Brake pads should be replaced when you have about 1/8” left on them (when you bring your vehicle to Dale Adams Automotive, we’ll let you know when your brakes are approaching that thickness and should be replaced). The average cost for a brake job (changing only brake pads) is about $400. Now let’s assume you decided to skip having those pads replaced. What will the cost for a brake job be? First, and foremost, you risk not being able to stop your vehicle. I’m pretty sure you and I are alike in that we don’t want to risk our lives or the lives of others by driving with bad brakes. After that comes the fact that a brake pad that is severely worn can leave deep marks and grooves in the brake rotor. Depending on how deep the grooves are, the rotors would need to be either “turned” or replaced. Now, the cost for a brake job can start at $600 and go up depending on the type of vehicle. Which would you rather pay?
As an independent auto repair shop located in Calgary, Alberta, Dale Adams Automotive is the car owner’s best advocate for safety and preventive maintenance. With each visit to our shop, we perform a courtesy safety inspection on your vehicle. This allows us to alert you to maintenance issues before they become costly repair problems. We also keep a detailed record of all the work performed so you will know when your vehicle is due for a specific type of service. Click here to schedule your next preventive maintenance appointment with Dale Adams Automotive.
Some you may have heard us brag about being one of only 3 official Shelby Mod Shops in Canada, but what does that mean exactly, and what is a Shelby Mustang?
With thanks to Shelby.com, TheCarSource.com, Wikipedia, Ford and other materials here is a quick summary of what that means, and why they are just so cool and powerful. Buckle up!
Carroll Shelby, an ex-Texas chicken farmer became a successful race car driver, but due to health problems in 1961 he was forced to leave racing. Shelby wanted to remain in the racing community but was unsure how to do so. Then he had a thought. What if he took a big American V8 engine and put it into a frame similar to a European sports car?
He decided to approach a auto maker with this idea. Funny enough, he started by talking to Chevrolet. They refused on the basis that they already were building the Corvette and did not want to complete against their own car. So off to Ford he went.
Ford had no sports car of their own and they had just developed a very powerful V* engine that they wanted to use to replace the big block engines of the 50s. In 1962 a prototype of the Cobra was exhibited at a New York automobile show and the press went crazy for it. This made Ford very happy and they immediately funded Shelby to develop his cars. With his idea of a light frame and chasis and the new lighter V8, this car was about 1000lbs lighter than the Corvette but with similar horsepower. Shelby Cobras became a force on the racetrack and on the street.
The Shelby Mustang is a high performance variant of the Ford Mustang which was built by Shelby American from 1965 to 1968, and from 1969 to 1970 by Ford. Following the introduction of the fifth generation Ford Mustang in 2005, the Shelby nameplate was revived as a new high-performance model, this time designed and built by Ford.
Since 2005 there have been several Shelby releases then, just when you thought they couldn’t possibly add more horsepower, Ford released the 2013-2014 Shelby Mustangs. The 2013-2014 models feature a 5.8 L 32-valve V8 supercharged engine. This new engine is capable of producing a blazing 662 horsepower and 631 lb-ft. of torque. This model is capable of reaching top speeds of 200 miles per hour and a fast 3.5 second 0-60 time. Though not cheap, its price tag is unheard of for its performance capabilities.
Though some Shelby's are made in factory there are official Shelby shops that can take a Ford Mustang from any Ford dealer and mod it with the appropriate parts to create your own customized Shelby Mustang.
Dale Adams Automotive is proud to be one of only 3 official Shelby shops and we have created the most amazing Shelby Mustangs. If you are interested in learning more, give us a shout.
Rest in peace Carroll Shelby, have faith in knowing that we will take great care of your 'other' children.
Dale Adams
Original article by Consumer Reports
This version of the article has been truncated and enhanced by the Dale Adams Automotive staff.
Before you consider where to take your vehicle for maintenance and repair, you need to understand the difference between the two. Routine maintenance items are those listed in your vehicle's owner's manual as part of the model's service schedule. They are intended to keep your vehicle in top operating condition. Repairs are service that needs to be performed to fix a problem. Where you take your vehicle may depend on what needs to be done.
Scheduled maintenance can be performed at any dealership; you don't have to go to the one where you bought the vehicle. Likewise, you can take your vehicle to an independent auto-repair shop or franchise, which are typically less expensive than dealerships. Because maintenance items are fairly basic, however, any professional auto shop should be able to perform the necessary tasks.
Repairs can range from basic tasks such as a brake job or auto-body repair to complicated service such as overhauling a transmission or diagnosing an electronics-system problem.
If the vehicle is out of warranty, the type of problem may determine where you take it for repair. A reputable independent shop should be able to handle most common repairs. A good technician will let you know when a problem warrants a trip to the dealership or a speciality shop.
Based on annual surveys, we find consumers generally have a higher level of satisfaction with independent shops over car dealerships.
But identifying a mechanic you can trust for your car takes a lot more than letting your fingers do the walking. You have to do a little old-fashioned sleuthing. There's no single clue to what makes a good repair shop, but here are some things you should look for:
We at Dale Adams encourage you to ask around about us and other garages. There are many great garages in the city. We have proudly served Calgary for over 40 years now and we stand by our impeccable reputation.
Please contact us about your vehicle needs, you won't be disappointed.
2017-2018 F150/RAPTOR 3.5L ECOBOOST STAGE 1
This package was $3500 + gst
Whipple, known for its industry leading upgrade systems and technological innovations, has now brought the same technology to the 2017 and up 3.5L V6 F150 and Raptors with the Whipple Stage 1 system.
The stage 1 systems couples the Whipple Mega Cooler, roto molded high velocity cold air intake and industry leading custom calibration to make an amazing 150* foot pounds of torque and 70* horsepower more than stock. Even better, at 3500 rpm, the system produces over 180 foot pounds of torque over stock giving more power under the curve for incredible throttle response.
The Whipple Monster Cooler offers 54% greater volume and 8% more surface area. The bar and plate type intercooler features offset fin on both the cold and hot side, allowing for increased cooling capacity while fitting into the stock packaging, yet significantly outperforming the stock cooler. Test show a 90 degree (F) drop in temperature just on the dyno, yet even bigger gains are shown during real world applications. The colder air allows increased spark advance and more O2 to the engine, resulting in more power while maintaining safety.
The Whipple high velocity air intake system boast the CAD driven, CFD modeled rotor molded plastic air intake that maximizes air speed while reducing inlet restrictions. The air system features the velocity stack, gauze filters with extra wide pleats, giving the air filter the capacity to flow over 132% more air than a stock paper filter.
The Stage 1 system heart and soul is the industry leading calibration. Whipple and its Ford calibration team worked feverishly using advanced tools to develop a calibration that could maximize power while being legal and safe at the same time. After countless dyno and real world testing in multiple environments, the engineers were able to extract massive levels of torque and horsepower yet maintaining factory type safety settings. Each system features the Whipple Tomahawk flash tool that allows easy uploading and downloading of the custom files. The Tomahawk also features read and erase trouble codes, live data and data logging capacity.
The Whipple Stage 1 system is the first and only 50-state legal Ecoboost complete upgrade package available today (2015-2017 CARB approved), allowing for upgrades in all 50-states. No cutting or grinding required.
Exclusive Features
*Power levels may vary depending on octane and operating conditions.
"Like a Boss" simply stated, is the best way to describe this truck. With it's aggressive and tailored looks, the Boss sets itself apart from the rest of the pack. Equipped with a 5.0L V8 Supercharged engine pumping out 700+ horsepower to get your adrenaline pumping, this truck has an attitude all on it's own.
Download the Ford F150 Boss Edition Specifications Sheet
There is no limit to what you can dream when it comes to the automotive world. From doing a full Shelby conversion, adding a super charger to your vehicle or even a restoration project. Whether it’s giving your ride more horse power or a suspension package, wheels tires, whatever it is, we want to know and we want to help make it a reality.
One obstacle that hold more of us back from our automotive dreams is not having the money up front to make it happen. That’s why we have teamed up with RBC to offer a financing solutions for our clients. We have the services of Calvin Yip to bring the financing option to a reality here at Dale Adams Automotive.
The process is simple, just give us a call, send an email or however you want to get in touch with us and we can talk about what your needs are, and start the application process. Fill out the application form you can download below and set up an appointment to get you approved so we can get rolling on the path to make your automotive dreams a reality.
We believe everyone should live their dreams, and seeing you leave here in your dream car with a smile on your face is ours. So stop in, email derekadams@daleadams.com or give us a call and lets get you on the path to living your dreams today.
Let’s get your vehicle moving!!
We are very happy to announce that Dale Adams Automotive has become a dealer for Cobb Tuning.
This allows us to bring in another amazing product line that offers high quality, high performance parts to our clients. Cobb Tuning is an industry leader; with years of Research and Development, they have created vehicle specific staged packages designed to transition your ride from bone stock to a powerful, drivable, daily smile-making machine! Programming, exhaust system upgrades, air induction systems, cooling systems, drive train, and fuel system upgrades are only a few products COBB offers.
Upgrading your vehicle can be easier than you think.
Cobb tuning has developed different stage packages for the vehicle platforms they support. Whether you need just a little bit more power or want to the most out of your vehicle, Cobb has the answer. You can do it all at once or we can help to upgrade your vehicle in different phases until it’s exactly how you want it. Starting with the Accessport; it flashes in proper mapping based on the modifications done to your vehicle and then building out the package to fit your needs and budget from there.
We will be more than happy to consult with you to recommend the right upgrades to your vehicle.
We don’t just want to give your vehicle more power, we want you to leave our shop with a smile AND a vehicle that performs better than ever. So give us a call today at 403.777.4777, email us at derekadams@daleadams.com or stop in and chat about how we can make your vehicle perform like no other.
****Attention Ford owners**** Dale Adams Automotive Specialists is looking for clients that own a Ford vehicle that is supported by Cobb for demo purposes. We need to get some Cobb product on the road!!!
Please contact Derek for more information as you may qualify for special install pricing!